5 (more) Reasons Your Vagina Would Love a Retreat

I originally wrote this article in 2016, the first year I led Retreat to Your Root. My original blog stands strong, but I figured we needed a bit of an update for our 2021 world and my 2022 offerings, Retreat to Your Root and Inner Moon.

As Doctor of Physical Therapy (PT) with a specialty practice in pelvic health I have found that embodiment practices (like yoga, dance, organic movement etc) and mindful physical therapy can heal and radically improve people’s lives. I can tell you with professional certainty that the vulva, vagina, and womb space is an important part of the Mind-Body-Spirit equation and that the health of your Root is imperative to whole system health.  Read on below for 5 reasons you (and your vagina) will love indulging in a pelvic health related retreat. 

1.  You may have VAGINA or PELVIC WOES you've been too scared to tell anyone about!  In a region of our body that is shrouded with shame and fear, hyper-sexualization, and complete mystery, it’s no wonder we have so much hidden and weighing us down from this space. Pain with sex, irregular or painful periods, chronic constipation, pain in the hips, back or pelvis are all “root” related imbalances.  Do you find yourself peeing all day or making it to the toilet just the knick of time?  Do you experience leaking urine post-baby?  Have you been diagnosed with repeated UTIs, yeast infections, interstitial cystitis, or painful bladder syndrome? Do you have difficulty achieving orgasm or feeling pleasure (in your body or in your life)?  Have you given birth and feel that your body just isn't the same?

If any of this sound familiar to you then RETREATING would be a great opportunity for you to learn and understand how the muscles, nerves, and fascia of the pelvis might be contributing to your woes. Retreat to Your Root and Inner Moon will share in-depth talks about the pelvic floor and more importantly the nervous system’s role in some of these experiences. You’ll learn what the PELVIC FLOOR actually is and my co-leader, Veronica Rottman, and I will dive into how topics like menstrual cycles/ hormones, gut-health, and stress can play in these concerns. There will be eduction and experiential ways to de-stigmatize, remove fear, and shine light on these parts of our bodies in order to maximizing our wellbeing.

2. Your VAGINA, VULVA, UTERUS, and OVARIES NEED NURTURING!  The high-stress world we live in places huge demands on our cyclical bodies, often requiring us to put the ownership of our bodies aside. Retreating offers an immersion and an opportunity to indulge in getting to know your most intimate aspects. We will help you reconnect to your body through gentle yoga, creative exploration, journaling, meditation, nourishing food, and a community of like-minded vagina-owners.  

3. This could be your opportunity to de-bunk some vagina and pelvic floor myths.  Join us to learn why KEGELS ARE NOT FOR EVERYONE, why you should always SIT DOWN WHEN YOU PEE,  and why you shouldn't always be "pulling up and in" in those yoga and Pilates classes you're attending.  

4.  What part of you doesn’t need a freaking break right now? It’s been a hell of a two years. Our nervous systems are jacked to be quite frank. Come enjoy a long weekend at the magical Sagrada Wellness Retreat, a beautiful retreat and farm sanctuary in the Central California Cost… or for a full week immersion at Punta Mona in Costa Rica!  These retreat centers each offer their own special connection with nature. The California retreat has beautiful vistas of rolling hills with walking trails and abundant peace. Costa Rica offers a place where the jungle meets the ocean and is bound to be a rustic opportunity to connect with the earth for healing. There will be plenty of time and space to relax and connect and move your body in both places. The natural settings are perfect to reconnect to our own roots, reset our nervous systems, and heal with Mother Nature in a conscious and peaceful way. 

5. VAGINA OWNERS ARE PRETTY RAD.  It's true... we are pretty incredible beings.  What better way to celebrate how amazing we are by coming together to learn, grow, move, and create in community!  There's great group of womxn signed up already, however there are a few spots left if you'd like to join us. Check out our retreats page for more details


Teaching in Kenya, Oct 30- Nov 11, 2019