“I believe there is great power in storytelling to heal shame, fear, anger or embarrassment around our pelvic spaces”

— Dr. Casie Danenhauer Humble

Events Casie Danenhauer Events Casie Danenhauer

5 Reasons Your Vagina Needs to go on a Yoga Retreat

Ok, nobody's vagina NEEDS to go on retreat...but then again, nobody really needs to travel to the world to find themselves or do 100 vinyasas a day to find enlightenment, either. We practice because we know and value the benefits it brings to our daily life. Well, as a CYT and Doctor of Physical Therapy (PT) with a specialty practice in pelvic health I have found that together, yoga and PT can heal and radically improve the lives of patients and yogis alike...and I can tell you with professional certainty that your vagina is an important part of the Mind-Body-Spirit equation.

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Events Casie Danenhauer Events Casie Danenhauer

Not Your Average Pelvic Floor Course with Dustienne Miller

It’s always nice to attend a continuing education course that involves savanasa (or “lying on the floor resting pose” for you non-yogis).  It’s even nicer to be part of a pelvic floor continuing education course which doesn’t involve everyone disrobing from the waist down and practicing on each other.  For you pelvic floor therapists out there, I know you know what I mean.  For the rest of you, let’s just say our education is experiential!   I have to say that it’s refreshing to trade the usual lube and gloves routine for yoga mats and practice breathing!

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Case Studies Casie Danenhauer Case Studies Casie Danenhauer

Mind-Body Case Story: Part 2

My greatest apologies for those of you have been waiting for Part II of Amy’s story!  Exciting things have been happening over here in sunny Southern California with the new practice and lots of amazing professional opportunities.  If you can recall a couple of weeks ago I began a case study about a former patient named Amy*.  Amy had a two year history of pelvic pain associated with some gastrointestinal issues and a stressful lifestyle.  Check back to Mind-Body Case Story Part 1 if you haven’t yet read her history or my objective findings.  Today we'll cover my assessment, treatment plan, goals for recovery, and most importantly, how a mindful approach to physical therapy helped to heal Amy's pelvic pain!

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Case Studies Casie Danenhauer Case Studies Casie Danenhauer

Mind-Body Case Story: Part 1

After posting my first two blogs How'd I End Up Here? and How'd I End Up Here Part 2, I now see how important it is to connect to community through story.  My story spurred not only an outpouring of support for me and my journey, but it empowered others to share their stories with me.  It provided a safe space for people to identify and openly discuss a variety of "pelvic floor secrets" with me and it created a container for many of these stories to be heard for the first time.  

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Endometriosis Casie Danenhauer Endometriosis Casie Danenhauer

Endo What?

My third blog was going to be a little bit more information about me, but that's going to have to wait because on Monday night I saw Shannon Cohn's documentary "Endo What?" and IT WAS AMAZING.  Not only was the movie itself incredible, but the panel of specialists who spent an hour discussing endometriosis after the film was top-notch.  Shannon's resume and welcoming smile are a killer combo of super smart accomplished lady and the ultimate genuine advocator.  She has created a heartfelt and comprehensive film that is SO necessary for increasing endometriosis awareness, and I encourage you all to go watch it!

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Casie Danenhauer Casie Danenhauer

How'd I End Up Here Part 2

Unfortunately, this next blog is the part where I'm brutally honest about peeing in my pants.  As if telling you about my pain with sex in the last blog weren’t enough I'm opening up here in ultimate vulnerability because this part of the story is honestly much harder for me to write.  It's required a lot deeper work.

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Pelvic Pain Casie Danenhauer Pelvic Pain Casie Danenhauer

How'd I End Up Here?

Consider this your get to know me blog.  

We can go back sometime and rehash the details of my education, my training, my mentors, and my work experience, but for now let's just jump right into the nitty gritty of why I do what I do—specifically why my life's calling is to stick my finger up peoples' vaginas and anuses and why I want to work yoga into the mix.

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