Join Dr. Casie Danenhauer, pelvic floor physical therapist and yoga instructor for Retreat to Your Root: 2019 in San Luis Obispo, CA. Retreat to Your Root is a unique core and pelvic-centered women’s wellness retreat. Dr. Casie has designed this transformative weekend immersion focused pelvic health, women’s wellness, community building, and exploring self-care as the ultimate strategy to maximize whole system health. The weekend will feature yoga, lecture, group discussion, special guest speakers, connecting with other women, and creative activities centered around women's health concerns and healing pelvic floor dysfunction. Retreat to Your Root is open to all those who identity as women with interest in pelvic health and is specifically designed towards those with pelvic pain, issues with bowel/bladder/sexual function, or are just curious about the mind-body connection.
Dr. Casie will include daily in-depth instructions in physical yoga postures as well as a variety of breath techniques and meditations specifically to benefit the pelvis (aka your “root”). She will also lead educational discussions on topics including pelvic floor anatomy and physiology, the mind/body connection related to pelvic pain, energetic connections to the pelvic floor, and the main purpose of the retreat; the importance of self-care and inner-work.